
Now I’m sittin’ here
Sippin’ at my ice-cold beer
Lazin’ on a sunny afternoon

  • For the first time in over five years, I broke the monthly update cycle. Shock gasp sob, quelle horreur, say it ain’t so! Eh, these updates hardly break the internet. The summer has been lovely without worrying about a post update.
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 was released, and this is where I’m currently spending my free time. Astarion has my heart on my first playthrough – the writers and developers knew exactly what they were doing with his character. A dark, conflicted, beautifully-acted vampire with a delicious sense of humour? Hit that I can save him button harder, go on, I dare you. GDI.
  • Writing: I finished my fanfiction! So far comments have been wonderful; though the self-selection bias is somewhat in effect on AO3, I’ll take what I can get. I’m gearing up for the second go-round on the original fantasy work and looking forward to getting into the swing of it.
  • Reading: still plodding through Villette. Of course about twenty new books entered the house over the last two months. Amping up the reading is a must-do ;___;
  • Watching: various things. I saw the Barbie movie, which I found hilarious and wonderfully layered, and it prompted a 1995 Pride and Prejudice rewatch. Like, seriously, HOW did they KNOW? I felt so called out during that “Depressed Barbie” montage. Ouch. Then I went on to Emma. (2020) and Jane Eyre (2006). Predictability: thy name is Cass.
  • Day job: I am less and less enamoured by the week. While nothing’s going to change for a while yet, I’m putting it out here, on this blog, that A Plan has been set and the smallest wheels are in motion.
  • Music: more fecking Snow Patrol. I just love them so much.